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The Stillness of Waves
Sonata for Flute & Piano (to Carla T...amongst many other things, the flute in my life!)

ISMN: 979-0-720090-72-6

During the lock-down in the Great Pandemonium of 2020, Carla and I went most mornings to the beach to walk, talk, and swim in the ocean.


...or, I would sit and meditate, occasionally looking at the waves - moving, rolling, yet within the constant flux of being, utterly still. This became the driving energy of the work.


Many thanks to Judith Nielsen, who, in an indirect way, made the creation of this work feasible, and to my Carla T, for her long and patient support in making this work not only meaningful, but even flautistical!


First draft: 8th - 31st May, 2020

Second draft: 1st - 11th June

Revised:  July, 2020

for Flute & Piano 5:00

ISMN: 979-0-720090-72-6

At some point in the creation of the Sonata (above) Carla suggested a short version, that could be used by students, a short 'condensed' version......... behold, Waves came into being.  It provided a useful thing to do, to solve some of the issues of phrasing and performance in the bigger Sonata.


29th Aug, 2020

The Tree (Oj Javore)
 for Flute & Piano 13:00

ISMN: 979-0-720090-83-2

This work includes a section based on a Serbian folksong, Oj Javore (Oh Maple Tree). The larger structure of the piece could be considered, in some ways, to be an almost 'programmatic' rendition of some of the sentiments being expressed in the text of the song.

6th May, 2021


It was wonderful, and sad, to share with my mother Vera in her final years, as she kept remembering the songs and rhymes, and folk wisdom/sayings from her childhood, (Slavic, Hungarian, German) and set about teaching them to me, as I was interested.  This one she remembered just recently (18/11/2013), -I wrote it down as she sang it to me.


Oj Javore, Javore, ti si drvo najbolje,

Shire grane na sve strane, ne dai zori da svane


Ja sam zura, pa zura, pa sam nesto nacula

Na cula sam tesko meni, da m se dragi zeni.


Oj javore, javore, tis si drvo najbolje,

Pod tobom sam vence plela svog dragoga klela.


As she approached her end, fading into an almost complete dementia, we would simply hold hands, and sing together.... this song was the last thing she could manage (just) to respond to and try to sing along... in the end, the only response to me at all.


Oh Javore (maple tree), Javore, you are tree (the) best

Spreads its branches on all sides, don't allow the dawn to rise


I am girl, but (a) girl, but I have something heard

Heard have I something heavy/hard for me, that my dearest is getting married


Oh Javore , Javore, you are tree (the) best

Underneath you I am wreath braiding (while) my own darling am cursing.  (rough translation)

Peaceful Day (Mirni Dan)

for flute and piano


Composed: 24th - 31st June, 2022

Revised: 4th June, 2011


​ISMN: 979-0-720090-yz-x  Dur: ~ xc98v7:V)(*30”

Long story, from a long time ago.  During one of my visits to my oldest musical friend Linsey Pollak, I sketched out the basic ideas for Mirni Dan, which I have now developed for my one and only Carla Thackrah while we were staying in Byron............



Slow intro, then an Andante.... a few sections for some impro if so desired, a peak or two, then into the obligatory Allegro. Of course, it finishes with a recap of the opening.


30th May, 2022 -London St, Enmore

Fading Light....and the Stars...

for flute and piano (dedicated: to my Toots (C)


Original sketch:  199...?

Rev. and adapted: sometime April -fin 28th, 2022


​ISMN: 979-0-720090-95-5  April, 2022

The original iteration of this idea was called The Visit, and was a movement from a set of works called Winds of Change, written for Linsey Pollak and myself in the ancient past; circa 1990's.

In repurposing this movement, I combined it with another piece I wrote for the Paranormal Music Society called Once Upon a Time, the end result now being Fading light...and the Stars.


It was developed to fill a gap in a recital Carla and I were presenting at Vicki Brooke's place, Gretel Farm (between Byron and Lismore)

The 'theme' of the concert was "French Impressionism and beyond; the flute in Paris" (or some such thing) .....hence the 'impressionistic' title (it needed to be, as I was "the beyond"! As such, it fitted the theme perfectly! .......and, given both Vicki and I love bells, the Antique Cymbal (finger bell) was included!


A simple piece to begin the concert with, in which we could relax and worked a treat.


4th June, 2022 -London St, Enmore

© 2016 Romano Crivici

Last Updated: May 2024

Website designed by Carla Thackrah

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