The Goddess Returns
Scored for voice, string quartet and percussion (ghattam)
The Goddess Returns was the centerpiece of a large multi-media work I composed, of the same name, for an Elektra String Quartet performance project in 1999
Performed by: Antigone Foster, vocals
Elektra String Quartet - Mirka Rozmus and Romano Crivici, violins; Rudi Crivici, viola; Markus Hartstein, cello
Interview with Andrew Ford
-ABC Radio national
Romano Crivici
composer & performer

Mark Atkins, didjeridu
Blair Greenberg, percussion
Elektra String Quartet
Mirka Rozmus, violin
Romano Crivici, violin
Rudi Crivici, viola
Marcus Hartstein, cello
Works by
Romano Crivici
Mark Atkins
No Self Records,
Works for string quartet/ looping device and didjeridu, (composed by Crivici, as well as group improvisations) and improvisations for didjeridu and piano (Atkins and Crivici) 1999.
This album was Elektra’s second major step in the journey to expressing a broader and deeper sense of being, place and culture, both here in Australia and beyond. It is a record of our attempts to explore and develop a number of ideas and performance possibilities which, because of their improvisational nature, were very much like “passing thoughts”, “the nameless ones”, and, being expressed “in tongues of insects”, transient and easily forgotten.
A late night recording session (10.30 -11.30 pm), of spontaneous dialogue and shared rhythms between Mark and myself (forgotten by the next morning), revealed in “Kooriwadjula Talking” and “Kata Tjuta” something beyond the apparent differences of culture, history and identity.
Limited time and resources (a tour of South America and Europe was imminent) didn’t seem to matter in the face of the group energy, sense of play and creativity that kept moulding the pieces, both improvised and composed. It felt like the right thing to do, at the tight time, and in that sense it was “Timeless”.